November 2022 Patch
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November 2022
Game Changes
- Quality of Life improvements have been made.
- Some quests have been updated to be easier to do with groups. See Updated Quests for more information.
- Some items have been updated to have higher stack sizes. See Updated Items for more information.
- All Town Network Portals now drop at the south/annex drop point.
- Town Criers no longer use the yawn and scratch head emotes.
- New random landscape spawns:
- Removed random landscape spawns:
- Items: Tiny Pumpkins and Tricks and Treats Bags.
- Creatures: Mesmerized Drudges, Bloated Mattekar Pups, and Bloated Reedshark Pups.
- Base Halloween content removed.
- Majestic Pumpkin and related content removed.
- Pumpkin Buffers and Festival Vendor removed.
- Custom Halloween content removed.
- Reanimating Urenna removed.
- Arwic Pumpkin patch mostly cleared.
- Items/creatures required for Guy's Tribute no longer spawn.
New Quests
Updated Quests
- Guy's Tribute progressing to next stage.
- Metos Motes: Halls of Metos (Wai Jhou) no longer part of this quest. Shortcut portal to that Metos removed. Special mote from that Metos moved to the Halls of Metos (Ayan Baqur).
Quality of Life Quest Updates
- Olthoi Pincers:
- Harvester, Gardener, Worker, Soldier, and Legionary: Pincer dropping Olthoi now drop drop 2 pincers instead of 1.
- Eviscerator, Warrior, and Mutilator: Pincer dropping Olthoi remain at 1 pincer dropped.
- Tusker Tusks - Some/All tusk dropping Tuskers now drop 2 tusks each.
- Female, Male, Crimsonback, Goldenback, Redeemer, Liberator, Slave, Guard: Tusk dropping Tuskers now drop 2 tusks instead of 1.
- Silver, Armored, Rampager, Plated, Assailer, Devastator: Tusk dropping Tuskers remain at 1 pincer dropped.
- Haleatan Beach Camps - Ruschk Camp Leaders drop 2 keys each instead of 1.
- Focusing Stone Quest - Lich Overseer now drops 9 inert focusing stones, instead of 3.
New Events
New NPCs
Updated NPCs
New Locations
Updated Locations
- Arwic Pumpkin Patch - mostly cleared out. All pumpkins are gone, along with scarecrows, keys, and the harvest shrine. The borders, benches, and lighting remain.
- Guy's Camp - Updated. Now has more balloons, things rearranged. Update: Later in the patch, the camp was nearly completely cleared out.
- Halls of Metos (Wai Jhou) - updated to 225+, new fellowship quest within.
- Halls of Metos (Ayan Baqur) - Mote from Wai Jhou Metos moved to this dungeon.
- Imuth Maer Doquin - Shortcut portal to Wai Jhou Metos removed.
New Items
Statue of Urenna (Greater)
Statue of Urenna (Lesser)
Expedition Leader's Fingerbone
K'nath Chrysalis
White Pyreal Bar
File:Drudge Tribute (Trunk of Bones) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Trunk of Bones)File:Drudge Tribute (Sturdy Steel Chest) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Sturdy Steel Chest)File:Drudge Tribute (Lugian Chest) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Lugian Chest)File:Drudge Tribute (Altar) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Altar)File:Drudge Tribute (Runed Chest) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Runed Chest)File:Drudge Tribute (Lock Box) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Lock Box)File:Drudge Tribute (Treasure) Icon.png Drudge Tribute (Treasure)File:Frozen Present (Guy's Balloon) Icon.png Frozen Present (Guy's Balloon) Pack Marshmellow GhostFile:My Pet Pumpkin Lord Icon.png My Pet Pumpkin Lord
Over Stuffed Tricks and Treats Bag
Updated Items
Alternate Currency
Ancient Mhoire Coin - Stack size increased to 250.
A'nekshay Token - Stack size increased to 250.
Colosseum Coin - Stack size increased to 250.
Ornate Gear Marker - Stack size increased to 250.
Small Olthoi Venom Sac - Stack size increased to 250.
Celestial Hand Trade Token - Stack size increased to 250.
Eldrytch Web Trade Token - Stack size increased to 250.
Radiant Blood Trade Token - Stack size increased to 250.
Buffing Consumables
Burning Coal - Stack size increased to 25.
- Note: Tasty Pudding seems to be unchanged with a stack size of 10.
Dispel Gems
Gem of Stillness - Stack size increased to 50.
Society Gem of Dispelling - Stack size increased to 50.
Black Market Gem of Dispelling - updated?
- Note: Dispel gems below Gems of Stillness seem to still stack to 25.
Portal Gems
Town Network Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Celdiseth's Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Fadsahil's Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Shoyanen's Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Celestial Hand Stronghold Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Eldrytch Web Stronghold Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
Radiant Blood Stronghold Portal Gem - Stack size increased to 100.
- Note: Town portal gems, e.g. Holtburg Portal Gem, etc, seem to all be unchanged with a stack size of 25.
New Creatures
New Dialog
Town Crier
Free Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "I overheard a group of adventurers talking about how some quests are faster to do in groups now."
- Town Crier tells you, "The new coffee and shampoo we got in the guild might cut down on the yawning and scratching."
Pyreal Rumors
- Town Crier tells you, "I can't seem to figure out why I have more empty pack slots."
- Town Crier tells you, "I got lost in the town network for a few moments."
- Town Crier tells you, "My brother said some tuskers are dropping both tusks now."