Gruff the Listener

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Introduced:  Familiar Foes Related Quests:  Blackfire Seasoned Explorer Equipment
Gruff the Listener
Non-Player Killer
Gruff the Listener Live.jpg
Race Male Burun
Title Taster
Location Town Network (Annex)
Level 333
Strength 1800
Endurance 4000
Coordination 200
Quickness 50
Focus 1000
Self 1000
Health 100000
Stamina 100000
Mana 93000


  • Exchanges certain items for clues and rumors.


Gruff the Listener tells you, "Poke...Poke...Poke, that's all you do. Wait till I poke you back Isparian. Coffee and Cake would go down well right about now."

Gruff the Listener tells you, "Listen you oxygen thief...usually I don't liked getting poked unless someone buys me a drink first. Are you slow or just stupid?"

Gruff the Listener tells you, "Oh, my guts are grumbling. I got to snaffle something. Flesh. I need Flesh. wouldn't make more than a mouthful. Not when you're skinned and boned. A slice of cake would tide me over for now."

Gruff the Listener tells you, "Don't get your knickers in a twist! Calm down! Aren't you forgetting something? Something for nothing? Yeah right! How about you get me a cold beverage to wash these salty pretzels down."

Gruff the Listener tells you, "DO YOU MIND! You touch me again and I'll fart in your general direction. You DO NOT want THAT! Coffee gives me gas! I would love a coffee right about now."