What happened to the weather in AC?

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11-19-2009 - Link

Q: "Are the DEVs ever going to allow the rains to come to the game??? If Returned, is the rain going to have the loud 'thunder' that used to be a Very welcome part of the Game."

A: When Asheron's Call was moved to later versions of DirectX for Throne of Destiny the weather code was not implemented in the new code base. We will look at the work it would take to move weather effects over for the next big update we are doing, but it might be too time intensive to implement in that time frame.

Turbine Icon.png Severlin
03-11-2010 - Link

Q: The big update is nigh, so how about it, devs ?

A: Sadly, not for this update. I'll look into it for the big October update.

Turbine Icon.png Severlin