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Introduced:  Bander Brothers Related Quests:  Banderleague
Non-Player Killer
Ultok Live.jpg
Race Male Lugian
Title Exploration Society Greeter
Location League Chapterhouse
Level 126
Strength 150
Endurance 200
Coordination 165
Quickness 180
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 220
Stamina 340
Mana 540



Opening Dialog

Ultok tells you, "Greetings, and welcome to the Exploration Society's League Chapterhouse. With the help of our Yalaini allies, we have claimed this lost Empyrean hall as our base of operations for the Banderling League!"

Ultok tells you, "We at the Exploration Society have formed an alliance with some of the freed Yalaini people. Much has happened on this troubled island of Dereth since they were first sent away into the depths of portal space. The Society has long dedicated itself to understanding this world and sharing that knowledge with all who call Dereth their home."

Ultok tells you, "In the upper level of these halls you will find five Yalaini researchers, each one dedicated to a specific topic. Speak with them and help them with their research. They should have many tasks for you to complete."

Ultok tells you, "Each researcher also has an assistant. These assistants are looking for objects related to the same topic their Yalaini counterpart is studying. Speak to the assistants and they will explain more."

Ultok tells you, "There is a sixth Yalaini researcher, in the private chamber of the lower level. He is only interested in working with those that have helped his five other researchers."

Ultok tells you, "Scorista, the Gearknight, has also returned. She can tell you how you are faring in this league."

Ultok tells you, "One last thing - you were given a portal gem that allows you to recall to this hall. Should you ever lose your gem, speak with me and I will give you a replacement."

Ultok tells you, "Good luck, adventurer!"
Repeat Dialog

Ultok tells you, "Welcome back, adventurer. How goes your quest?"

Ultok tells you, "Remember - if you ever lose your league chapterhouse portal gem, speak with me and I will give you a replacement."
Replacing Recall Gem Dialog

Ultok tells you, "Welcome back, adventurer. How goes your quest?"

Ultok tells you, "It seems you've lost your portal gem. No matter, here, take this."

Ultok gives you League Chapterhouse Portal Gem.