The Revenge of Metos

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Introduced:  November 2022 Patch

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The Revenge of Metos
Required Level: 225
Recommended Level: 275
Type: Locked Fellowship
Starts With: Metos
Starts At: Halls of Metos (Wai Jhou) at 61.4S, 46.6W
Repeat: 3 Days


In this two part raid dungeon, the players will assist Metos against the powerful Nergul.

Long ago, Metos had taken Nergul in and treated him like a brother. As time passed, in secret, Nergul had been studying blood magic. Eventually, he turned Metos's creations against their creator, killing Metos. But after centuries, Metos is back and needs your help to avenge his death by slaying his murderer.

Walkthrough & Notes

Each part in the dungeon has a separate two hour, locked fellowship timer. Completing part one will flag you for part two.

You must speak to Metos at 64.4S, 45.8W outside Graveyard to enter Halls of Metos.

Apart from the need to have a group of nine very geared individuals, it also requires strong group coordination to complete. Consumables are highly recommended (see below). Consult the group leader to get a full list of consumables you should bring.

You are not allowed to bring Rares through the Vile Barrier or Portal to the Catacombs. Item rares that are on your weapon and Spectral rares are allowed through.

Recommended consumables:

Encounters (Part 1)

To begin, you must hand in a K'nath Chrysalis to the Incorruptible Guardian. You can find a chrysalis from a K'nath Sire in the nearby Knathtead Excavation. This will lock your fellowship and allow everyone passage through the Vile Barrier.

Flying Daggers Traps

The goal is to hit the button at the end of the hallway. This will stop the traps from working.
The strategy is simple. Don't get hit by daggers. They do considerable amounts of damage, usually one hitting most players.
There are also stamina traps before the hallway leading to the button. In the hallway, there are multiple acid traps that will shoot acid bolts at you.
As an added safety measure, there are rare dispel traps in the hallway as well. This is to prevent players from using rares before the barrier and using them for a boss fight. Item rares that are on your weapon and Spectral rares will remain. The traps will remain even after the button is pushed.

Adventurer's Hammer

This encounter begins with Nergul sitting in a chair taunting the players. After the cutscene, several golems will spawn, both missile and melee Granite Golems. Kill the golems as fast as possible. They do not respawn. At the end, an Adventurer's Hammer will appear on the ground in the back of the room. This is used to break down the barrier leading to the Expedition Leader fight.
Preferred weapon type: Bludgeon, Armor Rending
Life Mages
Begin by bludge vulning then imping the four Granite Golem rock throwers, working your way left to right. Move on to the melee Granite Golems next. Once everything is imped and vulned, either DPS the stragglers or begin healing the group.
Archers, Melee, and War/Void Mages
Begin by attacking the leftmost Granite Golem rock thrower, working your way right. Move on to the melee Granite Golems next.

Expedition Leader

Dust Devil


Pit Beast

Sir Alfric

Encounters (Part 2)


Corrupted Gatekeeper

Srand the Vengeful

The Remains of Metos

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Halls of Metos (Wai Jhou) 61.4S, 46.6W -- --


Give Expedition Leader's Fingerbone to Metos
Give Devil's Sand to Metos
Give Rockbiter's Crumbs to Metos
Give Pit Beast Bezoar to Metos
Give Sir Alfric's Love Letter to Metos


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Incorruptible Guardian tells you, "Greetings, adventurer. It is my duty to guard the entrance to these halls. In this you are fortunate, for I alone of all of Metos' guardians remain uncorrupted."

Incorruptible Guardian tells you, "I burn to see my master revenged, and the usurper slain. Perhaps you have the strength and cunning to achieve this."

Incorruptible Guardian tells you, "I would grant you passage through the wards sealing the entrance, but my struggle against the corruption is a constant strain, and I am weary."

Incorruptible Guardian tells you, "Perhaps if you were to bring me some form of sustenance to rekindle my energies... My fellow golems are partial to butterscotch sucklings, but I have always preferred creatures a bit more...gelatinous."
Giving K'nath Chrysalis to Incorruptible Guardian

The golem bites into the k'nath egg with a terrible shattering sound, and chews with evident pleasure.

[Fellowship] Incorruptible Guardian says, "Ah, I feel newly made! Now I am strong enough to grant you passage through the wards, but only for a time..."

The golem sketches a symbol in the air, and your skin tingles with arcane energies.

Your fellowship is now locked. You may not recruit new members. If you leave the fellowship, you have 15 minutes to be recruited back into the fellowship.

[Fellowship] Incorruptible Guardian says, "Now I must rest."
Using the Vile Barrier

The vile barrier gives way at your touch, allowing you to pass but leaving an oily film on your skin. You have ??h ??m ??s remaining until it will resist your entry.
Attempting to re-enter while an encounter is in progress

The wards protecting the Halls of Metos flare bright, rejecting your attempt at entry! They will remain on high alert for as long as the fellowship's assault continues.
Nergul's opening dialog

Nergul says, "I welcome you, Isparians. And...other creatures."

Nergul says, "No doubt you have come seeking riches, artifacts of power, forbidden knowledge..."

Nergul says, "You trespass into the unknown, reassured by the naive belief that you will ultimately prevail."

Nergul says, "But you will not."

Nergul says, "Here you shall find only death."

Nergul says, "And in death, you shall serve me..."
After defeating the last golem in the Adventurer's Hammer encounter

The last of the golems collapses with a mighty rumble, knocking the lid of the sarcophagus ajar, revealing the corpse of some unfortunate adventurer. With a deafening clang, an ancient warhammer tumbles to the ground.
Breaking the wall with the Adventurer's Hammer

With one last swing, the wall tumbles in on itself, sending up a cloud of dust. Through the reopened passage comes the foul stench of death...
Starting the Expedition Leader's encounter

With a push from <player>'s hand, the ancient doors fall off their rusty hinges and strike the floor with a terrible clang. As the echoes fade, you hear the shuffling of boots in the hall behind you. It's an ambush!
Defeating the Expedition Leader

An ill wind blows through the open door...
Giving Expedition Leader's Fingerbone to Metos

You give Metos Expedition Leader's Fingerbone.

Metos tells you, "The Dericost always were an arrogant people, and became ever the more so once they believed they had cheated death."

Metos tells you, "No doubt it came as quite a surprise to discover these halls were not abandoned like the others. And occupied by a being of monstrous power, at that. I almost pity them..."

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Defeating Dust Devil

Metos says, "I salute you adventurers!"

Metos says, "With the defeat of the Dericost expedition and these wicked spirits of the air, it is safe once again for me to venture into the upper levels of my halls."

Metos says, "Proceed with caution! I fear that you will soon face the works of my own hands, corrupted by Nergul..."
Giving Devil's Sand to Metos

You give Metos Devil's Sand.

Metos tells you, "My quest for justice keeps me bound to the physical plane, but long ago I set aside all desire to return to my body."

Metos tells you, "Had I not, I too might have been consumed by my envy of the living, and become like these malevolent spirits..."

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Falling Stones begin falling from ceiling for the first time in the Rockbiter encounter

Rockbiter bellows, and the ceiling beings[sic] to collapse!
Continued Falling Stones in the Rockbiter encounter

A chunk of the ceiling comes crashing down into the room!
Rockbiter eats a boulder

Rockbiter breaks off a piece off a nearby boulder and eats it!
Rockbiter trying and failing to eat a boulder

Rockbiter looks around for boulder and finds nothing there! His stomach grumbles...
Rockbiter releasing a room-wide bludge wall

Rockbiter unleashes a deafening bellow that reverberates off the walls!
Defeating Rockbiter

Metos says, "Such a pity. This was once one of my finest creations. A titan of crystal that blazed into prismatic color beneath the sun."

Metos says, "Without the energies I provided, it was driven to eating rock to survive, and the very matter of its being was replaced with crude stone."

Metos says, "Yet for all that, I did not sense Nergul's malice in it, only the ancient command to guard these halls."

Metos says, "It heartens me to see that more of my works resisted his power. Continue with my blessing, but remain vigilant."
Giving Rockbiter's Crumbs to Metos

You give Metos Rockbiter's Crumbs.

Metos tells you, "Such a wonder was this work of mine...reduced to a crude beast of stone..."

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Pit Beast flinging acid above the pit

The Pit Beast flings acid into the North side of the room above!

The Pit Beast flings acid into the South side of the room above!
Giving Pit Beast Bezoar to Metos

You give Metos Pit Beast Bezoar.

Metos tells you, "What...what is this? You found it where?"

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Beginning the Sir Alfric fight

As <plater> rifles through the heap of bones, you hear a hollow clatter in the hallway behind you. Through some dark art, the skeletons of these fallen adventurers have begun to reassemble themselves!

Srand the Vengeful says, "Fah, the stench of the living..."

Srand the Vengeful says, "We, the long dead, despise you...and envy you."

You feel a terrible compulsion to press the button, but you pull your hand away at the last second.

Srand the Vengeful says, "Taking your lives will not return flesh to these old bones. "

Srand the Vengeful says, "But we will take them nonetheless."

Ancient mechanisms within the walls clank and groan. You hear a faint gurgling, then a sound like flowing water. Acid begins to fill the tunnels!
Attempting the Sir Alfric again

Some self-destructive instinct compels <player> to press the button on the wall! Acid once again floods the tunnels.
Defeating Sir Alfric

Metos says, "I await you up the ramp--speak with me when you arrive!"
Using Sir Alfric's Bones

You find a moldering letter among the bones.
Giving Sir Alfric's Love Letter to Metos

You give Metos Sir Alfric's Love Letter.

Metos tells you, "It saddens me to read this, knowing that the lady never did. Did she wait for him, I wonder?"

Metos tells you, "Here, a trinket found among the bones. Perhaps it will serve you better than it did its former owner."

You've earned 31,800 Luminance.

You've earned 317,999,968 experience.

Metos gives you 3 White Pyreal Bars.

Metos gives you Seal of Sir Alfric.
Giving Seal of Sir Alfric to Metos

You give Metos Seal of Sir Alfric.

Metos tells you, "Perhaps this will serve you better."

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Speaking with Metos up the ramp from the Sir Alfric fight

Metos tells you, "Admirably done! You have freed the spirits of those who died in these tunnels and were so cruelly enslaved by Nergul."

Metos tells you, "Some among their number have spurned eternal rest, and would seek to aid you in your fight against their tormentor."

Metos tells you, "Nergul has shored up his defenses, and now no blessing I can provide will serve to protect you."

Metos tells you, "To safely pass through the secret passage to the Catacombs, each of you will require the aid of one of these liberated souls. It shall guide you, as a lamp in a dark place."

Metos tells you, "No more than thirty such souls may assist you at one time. During your trials within the Catacombs, some of these will leave your side to safeguard you from corruption, and none will linger once their former captor is defeated."

Metos tells you, "Go now with my blessing! Seek out Nergul and destroy him--for the good of the world!"

Metos gives you 20 Liberated Souls.
Receiving the maximum Liberated Souls

Metos tells you, "Only thirty souls may aid you at a given time."
Beginning Part 2

The golem slots the pyreal bar into its mouth and swallows it whole.

[Fellowship] Incorruptible Guardian says, "Pyreal is nourishing but not particularly...flavorful."

[Fellowship] Incorruptible Guardian says, "Very well, I have granted your fellowship temporary passage to the Catacombs."

[Fellowship] Incorruptible Guardian says, "Seek out Nergul and avenge my master!"
Using the Portal to the Catacombs for the first time

Your fellowship has ??h ??m ??s until Nergul's wards are once again strong enough to deny you entry.

You hand over 1 of your Liberated Souls.

The soul of a lost adventurer guides you down the secret stair to the Catacombs, lighting your path.
Beginning the Lodestone encounter

The Lodestone resonates, attracting rusted golem parts and reassembling them!
The Rusted Lever becomes active for the first time during the Lodestone encounter

The Lodestone thrums with power, and ancient gears within the wall respond. Slag begins to flow!
The Rusted Lever becoming active for the second time

The Lodestone thrums with power, and ancient gears within the wall respond. Slag continues to flow!
The Rusted Lever becoming active for the third time

The Lodestone pulses with a wave of magnetic force that shakes the walls to their very foundations! Molten iron comes pouring into the room!
The Rusted Lever becoming active for the last time

Crumbling, losing cohesion, the Lodestone resonates with one last wave of magnetism!
Flipping the Rusted Lever

<Player>'s masterful shots strike the lever handle, sealing off the slag chutes!
Magnetized Golem spawning during the Lodestone encounter

One of the golems has been magnetized by the lodestone! Weaken it quickly, before it becomes too powerful.
Successfully delaying the Magnetized Golem from becoming more powerful

Chipped and fractured by <player>'s assault, the magnetized golem loses a portion of its potency.
Magnetized Golem attempting to strengthen itself

The magnetized golem pauses to draw rusted parts to itself!
Successfully delaying the Weakened Magnetic Golem from becoming more powerful a second time

Chipped and fractured by <player>'s assault, the weakened magnetic golem loses another portion of its potency.
Weakened Magnetic Golem attempting to strengthen itself a second time

The magnetic golem pauses to draw more rusted parts to itself!
Successfully delaying the Degaussed Golem from becoming more powerful a third time

Chipped and fractured by <player>'s assault, the degaussed golem loses another portion of its potency.
Using the Magnetite on the ground after defeating the Lodestone

You hand over 3 of your Liberated Souls.

The liberated souls cleanse enough of the corruption for you to safely pick up a chunk of the magnetite.
Giving Magnetite to Metos

You give Metos Magnetite.

Metos tells you, "Without the lodestone to animate them, many of my former works will remain asleep until the end of time, which is as it should be."

Metos gives you White Pyreal Bar.
Pulling the lever to begin the Corrupted Gatekeeper fight

As Delasteve pulls the lever, the handle snaps off! Through the iron gate, you hear the hollow clatter of bones.

Srand the Vengeful says, "What fools! Did you truly think it would be so simple? Pull a lever and the way would open?"

Srand the Vengeful says, "No. If you wish to challenge the Master of these Halls, you must defeat me first..."
Defeating Srand in the Corrupted Gatekeeper fight

Srand the Vengeful says, "No, I'm afraid it won't be that easy..."

Srand the Vengeful says, "Shall we play a game? To advance, your fellowship must divide itself and face separate challenges. If any one team fails, all fail, and you must begin again."

Srand the Vengeful says, "Oh, and finish quickly, or you'll regret it."
Failing the Corrupted Gatekeeper timer

Srand, the Vengeful tells you, "Ah, ah! Too slow!"
Using the Corrupted Shard on the ground after defeating the Corrupted Gatekeeper

You hand over 3 of your Liberated Souls.

The liberated souls cleanse enough of the corruption for you to safely take a sliver.
Redeemed Guardian speech after defeating the Corrupted Gatekeeper

Redeemed Guardian says, "What...I...?"

Redeemed Guardian says, "It has been a long age since my will was last my own, and although my memory is fragmented, the skeleton's command to harm you lingers in my mind..."

Redeemed Guardian says, "Ah, the skeleton! Even in my corrupted state, she was no ally of mine--a cruel taskmaster, full of treachery and deceit."

Redeemed Guardian says, "If it is the Evil One you seek, she stands astride the path. To face her is certain death without this one piece of knowledge: her reanimated bones cannot be defeated unless you first weaken her soul."

Redeemed Guardian says, "No test of main strength, that. One of you must take the burden of her undying hatred upon your own soul, and it is a heavy burden indeed..."

Redeemed Guardian says, "But knowledge alone will not suffice!"

Redeemed Guardian says, "There. I have done...what I can. Her soul is revealed. I would aid you further, but I am famished..."
Giving Corrupted Sliver to Metos

You give Metos Corrupted Sliver.

Metos tells you, "Not all of my works resisted Nergul's corruption, as you can see."

Metos tells you, "Never could I have imagined that my golems would be turned to such a diabolical purpose. Once Nergul is defeated, a reversal of the corruption might be attempted..."

Metos tells you, "No. They could never again be trusted to safeguard the living. Far better that they be destroyed."

Metos gives you 2 White Pyreal Bars.
Giving Burning Bone to Metos

You give Metos Burning Bone.

Metos tells you, "After centuries of undying torment at the hands of Nergul, it is little wonder that this lost adventurer became so hateful."

Metos tells you, "Perhaps now her spirit can finally rest."

Metos gives you 2 White Pyreal Bars.
Giving Tears of Metos to Metos

You give Metos Tears of Metos.

Metos tells you, "We Empyreans believe the body is little more than a vessel for our true selves--for we are beings of light."

Metos tells you, "And yet to desecrate my remains in such a turn them into an unholy weapon..."

Metos tells you, "Thank you for putting an end to such defilement."

Metos gives you 2 White Pyreal Bars.

Update History

November 2022 Patch

  • Quest introduced.