Turbine Games Q&A/Landscape/Q-32

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Will you ever change the water?

Asked: 2000.11.19
Name: Giblet
Question Title: Will you ever change the water?
Category: Landscape
Question: Someone asked before about making the water real, like dropping a torch in it and watching it float down the river and you said that it wouldn't happen.

But what about any other advancements to the water? like making it look like water, mabye semi-translucent? probably could be turned off for people with slower machines.

I'm mainly interested in making it look somewhat realistic but maybe the ability to not lay down in the middle of a river, disappear and be able to survive in there. =]

you lay down.
you take 15 points of no-oxygen damage.
you take 14 points of no-oxygen damage.
you take 18 points of no-oxygen damage.
you take 12 points of no-oxygen damage.
River casts breathing ineptitude other VI on you.
you take 80 points of no-oxygen damage.
you drowned.

Answered: 2000.11.20
Name: Sean.
Answer: No.

There is no way to make the water translucent or make it flow or anything nifty like that in the current engine.

Will we change it, however? Yes. As anything in Dereth, it can change, depending on the storyline that is currently unfolding.
