Thrown Weapons

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Related topics: Skills, Category:Weapons, Category:Thrown Weapons: Atlatl, Category:Thrown Weapons: Non Atlatl, Category:Retired Skills

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Introduced:  Release Updated:  Master of Arms

Thrown Weapons
Description Helps you use weapons meant for throwing.
Formula Coordination / 2
Base Status Untrained - Trained for free on Lugians, and on Gharu'ndum with changed innate abilities.
Cost to Train 6
Cost to Specialize 6
Buffs Thrown Weapons Mastery (Spell), Coordination (Spell)
Debuffs Thrown Weapons Ineptitude (Spell), Clumsiness (Spell)

Starting Equipment


  • Although TW is govern by Coordination, it has a damage modifier based off of Strength.
  • In the Twilight's Gleaming event, certain items that appear in loot - such as pots, bowls and cups - were now able to be wielded and used as throwing weapons.
  • In the The First Strike event, the Atlatl was introduced along with the ability to throw weapons while wearing a shield.
Magic Skills Arcane Lore, Creature Enchantment, Item Enchantment, Life Magic, Mana Conversion, Void Magic, War Magic
Combat Skills Finesse Weapons, Heavy Weapons, Light Weapons, Missile Weapons, Two Handed Combat, Summoning
Secondary Combat Skills Dual Wield, Dirty Fighting, Recklessness, Sneak Attack
Defense Skills Magic Defense, Melee Defense, Missile Defense, Shield
Crafting Skills Alchemy, Armor Tinkering, Cooking, Fletching, Item Tinkering, Lockpick, Magic Item Tinkering, Salvaging, Weapon Tinkering
Misc Skills Assess Creature, Assess Person, Deception, Healing, Leadership, Loyalty, Jump, Run
Retired Skills

Appraise Armor, Appraise Item, Appraise Magic Item, Appraise Weapon, Axe, Bow, Crossbow, Dagger, Gearcraft, Mace, Spear, Staff, Sword, Thrown Weapons, Unarmed Combat