Sebastian McMillian

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Introduced:  How the Drudge Ruined Solstice Related Quests:  Lost Presents
Sebastian McMillian
Non-Player Killer
Sebastian McMillian Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Present Sorter
Location Samsur
Level 92
Strength 150
Endurance 130
Coordination 180
Quickness 180
Focus 100
Self 100
Health 230
Stamina 350
Mana 140


  • Located in Samsur next to the Christmas tree.


Opening Dialog

Sebastian McMillian tells you, "Greetings!"

Sebastian McMillian tells you, "We've had a bit of a mishap! We were having some presents delivered and there was a terrible accident!"

Sebastian McMillian tells you, "Presents were scattered all over Dereth!"

Sebastian McMillian tells you, "If you happen upon on any of these Lost Presents, please return them to me!"
Returning Dialog

Sebastian McMillian tells you, "Any luck finding Lost Presents?"