Queen Elysa's New Year's Resolutions

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Queen Elysa's New Year's Resolutions
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  • Value: 100
  • Burden: 5
  • 2 of 2 pages full.

1. Knit a scarf for Borelean.
2. Consult with Bleeargh about removal of Mosswarts from the Underground City.
3. Schedule an Olthoi hunting trip with Antius.
4. Learn to speak Mosswart.
5. Lose these newfound lover's handles.

6. Purchase a farm.
7. Teach Hendac to make pearblossom tea.
8. Speak with the Wedding Planners about less socially restrictive wedding cake toppers.
9. Bind myself to a more conveniently placed lifestone.
10. Find Oswald and kill him.
