Maquari's Scavenger Hunt/Round 1

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A swiss army knife I am not, but my heart is in the right place.

Answer Explanation
Intricate Carving Tool Icon.png Intricate Carving Tool Intricate Carving Tool is used to carve various golem hearts.

Once in a minute. Twice in a moment. Never on Sunday.

Answer Explanation
Trade Note (100,000) Icon.png Trade Note (100,000) The letter M appears once in the word minute, twice in the word moment, and zero times in the word Sunday.

Crunchy I am. Bruised it can be. Tempting it is.

Answer Explanation
Tempting Apple Icon.png Tempting Apple Crunchy and bruised describe apples, and tempting describes this specific apple.

Made from special milk. Mooooo!

Answer Explanation
Special Cheese Icon.png Special Cheese Cheese is made from milk, so special cheese is made from special milk.

Here is a tip Noob! - Do not do Hyssop!

Answer Explanation
Tipped Pack Cow Icon.png Tipped Pack Cow The tip is for a tipped pack cow. This is the reward for an easy noob quest.

A complex meal.

Answer Explanation
Elaborate Field Rations Icon.png Elaborate Field Rations Field rations are a meal, and these are the the more complex (elaborate) version.

Something handy to quench my thirst.

Answer Explanation
Bottle of Water Icon.png Bottle of Water Water is a thirst quencher. This particular bottle of water is more refreshing than regular water.

The craftsman does not want it. The buyer does not use it. The user does not see it.

Answer Explanation
Coffin Icon.png Coffin Unconfirmed. This is a common riddle and the answer is coffin.

Not a very good chair.

Answer Explanation
Evil Couch Icon.png Evil Couch An evil couch is not very good, and not a chair.

A memento from the Isle of Ruin.

Answer Explanation
Snow Lily Icon.png Snow Lily This item is only obtainable on the Isle of Ruin

Cow Juice.

Answer Explanation
Milk Icon.png Milk Milk. Its cow juice!

Under a full moon I am something and I am nothing at all, yet still complete but not whole at the same time.

Answer Explanation
Shadow Fragment Icon.png Shadow Fragment The first half of the clue is referring to a shadow. The second half of the clue is referring to a fragment.

Gold...lots and lots of gold!

Answer Explanation
Treasure Icon.png Treasure It is a pile of gold.