Lore Videos/Castling Act I

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October 2001: Asheron's Call Dark Majesty July 2002: Castling Act II



Castling: Act I
June 2002

High Queen Elysa Strathelar calls her people to the Thistledown Festival Stone.

Elysa: We were once subjects to the Olthoi. I, for one, will not see my people subjected to a rule that they deem unjust. We are not meant to be slaves, we are meant to be free people.

Elysa: To that end I have asked Asheron, a man whom many have slighted and misunderstood, to come and speak with me over the next month at these gathering stones.

Asheron: What Elysa says is true. You are a free people to whom I am indebted.

Martine: Pretty lights and honey coated words. Smoke and mirrors make this magician all the more impressive.

Martine: My unfettered rage and desire to liquefy flesh is focused solely on the old man called Asheron.

Martine: I wil flay your flesh and study what makes you work, Old Man! But not here, not now.

Asheron: Derethians, I am sorry that this has happened, but I will see it done. I will see Martine is made whole and that his madness brings you no more pain.


  • Originally available at:
    • http://download.microsoft.com/download/asheron/video/act1/WXP/EN-US/ActI.mpg (Web Archive)
    • http://download.microsoft.com/download/asheron/video/act1-hirez/WXP/EN-US/ActI-high.mpg