Hurriedly Written Instructions

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Introduced:  Bander Brothers Related Quests:  Rhik Ibn Raya's Trinkets
Hurriedly Written Instructions
Hurriedly Written Instructions Icon.png
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A hurriedly written note with instructions for crafting a plain trinket mold.
Take this Plain Casting. Think of the Casting as a vessel. The vessel requires the addition of a Charm dropped by some of the critters around dereth and a Stone from a Golem. The Charm should be of a higher quality. You will have to excuse my vague instructions though, as I have been very busy of late. With the loss of my apprentice I am finding it difficult to take adequate notes on such matters.
-- Rhik Ibn Raya


You allow Rhik Ibn Raya to examine your Pyreal Sliver.

You hand over 1 of your Pyreal Slivers.

Rhik Ibn Raya tells you, "A sliver of pyreal, this should be an acceptable amount of material to work with. Here, take this plain casting."

Rhik Ibn Raya gives you Plain Casting.

Rhik Ibn Raya tells you, "You will need to gather some materials to refine this casting before I can use this small amount of pyreal to forge a trinket."

Rhik hurriedly writes down some basic instructions and shoves the note into your hands.

Rhik Ibn Raya gives you Hurriedly Written Instructions.

Rhik Ibn Raya tells you, "Now go out and find what I require so I can make you a personal trinket."