Filinuvekta Hieromancer

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Introduced:  Hopes and Fears Related Quests:  Empyrean Rescue Quest
Filinuvekta Hieromancer
Filinuvekta Hieromancer Live.jpg
Class Undead
Level 425
Loot Tier
Weaknesses Fire
Strength 600
Endurance 400
Coordination 400
Quickness 400
Focus 350
Self 500
Health 150000
Stamina 5000
Mana 1000
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense




    Filinuvekta Hieromancer tells you, "Fool. His Eternal Splendor's works cannot be undone. Even your precious Lightbringer cannot undo the works of the Book!"
    The intrepid adventurer, <Player Name>, has killed the Filinuvekta Hieromancer!