Destructive Curse (Spell)

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Related topics: Spells, Spell Research


  • Spell Words: Slavu Bor
  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Type refers to whether a spell is player castable ( Learnable Spell Icon.png ), player castable but retired ( Retired Spell Icon.png ), player usable but only on items ( Item Only Spell Icon.png ), only used by creatures ( Creature Only Spell Icon.png ), or unknown/not in game ( This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. ).

Group I

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse I Link Icon.png 30 10.9 10 ?? The target loses 56 points of health over 30 seconds. Lead Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse II Link Icon.png 30 10.9 20 ?? The target loses 91 points of health over 30 seconds. Iron Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse III Link Icon.png 30 10.9 30 125 The target loses 126 points of health over 30 seconds. Copper Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse IV Link Icon.png 30 10.9 40 175 The target loses 154 points of health over 30 seconds. Silver Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse V Link Icon.png 30 10.9 50 225 The target loses 189 points of health over 30 seconds. Gold Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse VI Link Icon.png 30 10.9 60 275 The target loses 231 points of health over 30 seconds. Pyreal Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Destructive Curse VII Link Icon.png 30 10.9 70 325 The target loses 294 points of health over 30 seconds. Platinum Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Incantation of Destructive Curse Link Icon.png 30 10.9 80 400 The target loses 357 points of health over 30 seconds. Mana Scarab Icon.pngNightshade Icon.pngBottled Rage Icon.pngHemlock Talisman Icon.png
