Dispel Creature Magic (Spell)

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Related topics: Spells, Spell Research, Dispel (Spell), Dispel Item Magic (Spell), Dispel Life Magic (Spell)

Spell List Creature Magic.png

  • Spell Words: Equin Ochor
  • Spells within a group will override spells in the same group with the same or lower difficulty.
  • Spells in different groups will stack with each other.
  • Type refers to whether a spell is player castable ( Learnable Spell Icon.png ), player castable but retired ( Retired Spell Icon.png ), player usable but only on items ( Item Only Spell Icon.png ), only used by creatures ( Creature Only Spell Icon.png ), or unknown/not in game ( This spell needs classification or is not yet available in game. ).

Group I

Type Spell Links Duration Range Mana Difficulty Description Base Components
Learnable Spell Icon.png Evaporate Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 40 50 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 1 from the target. Lead Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Evaporate Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 40 50 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 1 from the caster. Lead Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Extinguish Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 80 100 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 2 or lower from the target. Iron Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Extinguish Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 80 100 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 2 or lower from the caster. Iron Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Cleanse Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 120 150 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 3 or lower from the target. Copper Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Cleanse Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 120 150 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 3 or lower from the caster. Copper Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Devour Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 160 200 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 4 or lower from the target. Silver Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Devour Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 160 200 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 4 or lower from the caster. Silver Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Purge Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 200 250 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 5 or lower from the target. Gold Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Purge Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 200 250 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 5 or lower from the caster. Gold Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Nullify Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 240 300 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 6 or lower from the target. Pyreal Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Nullify Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 240 300 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 6 or lower from the caster. Pyreal Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Eradicate Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 280 350 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 7 or lower from the target. Platinum Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Eradicate Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 280 350 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 7 or lower from the caster. Platinum Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Justice of The Sleeping One Link Icon.png -- 5.0 300 400 This spell attempts to rip all positive creature magic from a single target. Pyreal Scarab Icon.pngSilver Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png The Sleeping One's Purge Link Icon.png -- 5.0 300 400 This spell attempts to rip all positive creature magic from a single target. Pyreal Scarab Icon.pngSilver Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Amber Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngEbony Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Syphon Creature Essence Link Icon.png -- 10.0 300 400 This spell attempts to rip all positive Creature Magic from a single target. Diamond Scarab Icon.pngSilver Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Incantation of Nullify Creature Magic Other Link Icon.png -- 5.0 320 400 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 8 or lower from the target. Mana Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngBlackthorn Talisman Icon.png
Learnable Spell Icon.png Incantation of Nullify Creature Magic Self Link Icon.png -- 0.0 320 400 Dispels 3-6 negative Creature Magic enchantments of level 8 or lower from the caster. Mana Scarab Icon.pngDiamond Scarab Icon.pngMandrake Icon.pngPowdered Hematite Icon.pngChorizite Icon.pngRowan Talisman Icon.png