Bronze Statues Attack
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- April to May 16 2002.
- Town statues that initially casted beneficial spells, but on the 1st April 2002 some of the statues began debuffing players and even disappearing from their pedestals.
- Next, the statues started duplicating (see images) and attacking players.
- The statues dropped extremely large bronze weapons and statue parts that could be given to the Arcanum for experience.
- In May 2002, Bhab, Arcanum Tinkerer started giving out Etheric Seals that could be used to open the base of the statues and enter the foundry portals.
- Inside the foundries were the "native cast" statues that needed to be destroyed by players to nullify the statue above. On May 16, 2002, once the last of the native casts were nullified, all the town statues released fireworks.
- The mechanical pieces that were dropped by the native casts could be handed in to Bhab, Arcanum Tinkerer for unique, life-size Commemorative Bronze Statues.
- The foundries can still be entered as part of the Bronze Statues Quest.
Further reading:
- Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Lore/A Brief History for Travelers/Persuasion
- Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Lore/A Brief History for Travelers/Betrayal
- Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Lore/A Brief History for Travelers/Hidden Vein
Etheric Seal
Unique Bronze Gear From a Native Cast
Unique Bronze Coil From a Native Cast
Unique Bronze Spring From a Native Cast
Unique Bronze Nuts and Bolts From a Native Cast
Pedestal Weak Spot
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Banderling)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Ben Ten)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Drudge)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Golem)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Grievver)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Gromnie)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Mosswart)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Reedshark)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Sclavus)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Shadow)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Skeleton)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Thorsten Cragstone)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Tumerok)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Virindi)
Commemorative Bronze Statue (Zharalim)
- The Arcanum Researcher turns to you with an air of efficiency and calm.
- Arcanum Researcher tells you, "I must give you a general debriefing of the statue affair as it stands. Nuhimidira was so fervent in her persuasion that the Arcanum, believing that they were for the people's good, allowed them to be presented to the town centers. Now that she has been kidnapped, it is clear that the Arcanum was not the only dupe! Nuhmidira has stopped the dreadful sacrifices that gave these abominations life...but it appears it is too late--now they have gained sentience, they have started to take sacrifices of their own!"
- The barrier energy suffusing the portal beneath the Virindi Statue's pedestal suddenly weakens, giving you access to the caverns beneath.
- <Player Name> has penetrated the dark recesses beneath the cities of the world, and has destroyed the native cast from which all Statues of Thorsten Cragstone were created! The statues in Cragstone have been nullified and will threated the citizens no more!
- <Player Name> has penetrated the dark recessed beneath the cities of the world, and has destroyed the native cast from which the Sclavus Statues were created! The statue in Kryst have been nullified and will threated the citizens no more! And now, raging over the demise of the Effigy native Cast, the Mammet Statues have opened the portals to their domain. Those who dare enter shall be subject to their vengeance.
- <Player Name> has penetrated the dark recesses beneath the cities of the world, and has destroyed the native cast from which the Virindi Statues were created! The statue in Ayan Baqur has been nullified and will threaten the citizens no more! As the last town statue is destroyed, the townsfolk of all Dereth let loose in joyous celebration. Commemorating the triumph and valor of those who fought against the Statues and won, a pan-city fireworks event unparalled in the history of Dereth sweeps across the land.
- You give Arcanum Researcher Unique Bronze Gear from a Native Cast.
- Why, it's you <Player Name>! I have heard of your valiant deeds from afar. The Arcanum extends its deepest gratitude to you for destroying the Statues menacing our towns. Take this gear to the Arcanum Tinker in the Consortium near Xarabaydun--he will fashion an award made especially for you.
- Arcanum Researcher gives you Unique Bronze Gear from a Native Cast.
- You give Bhab, Arcanum Tinkerer Unique Bronze Gear from a Native Cast.
- With a sudden gasp, the Arcanum Tinker looks up from the trophy just handed him and peers into your face. He is suddenly intoxicated with paroxyms of joy at the sight of you; if he were not such a hardy soul, he would lose consciousness.
- YES! It is <Player Name>! Back from the wars, I see, and you've proven yourself a mighty champion, no less! I shall fashion this into a trophy worthy of your stature!
- The Tinker sets about his work, then turns to you when he is finished.
- Bhar, Arcanum Tinkerer gives you Commemorative Bronze Statue.
- Bhab, Arcanum Tinkerer tells you, "This unique statue is for you, to commemorate your valor for destroying the Statue threatening the fair cities of [towns]. Please accept it with the thanks and gratitude of all the citizens of New Aluvia. The townsfolk of Dereth are forever in your debt."
- Hooray for <Player Name>!