Odvik the Inn Keeper

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Introduced:  Into the Darkness
Odvik the Inn Keeper
Non-Player Killer
Odvik the Inn Keeper Live.jpg
Race Lugian
Title Inn Keeper
Location 87.7S 67.4W in Candeth Keep
Level 58
Strength 204
Endurance 192
Coordination 145
Quickness 124
Focus 15
Self 15
Health 226
Stamina 312
Mana 25



Pyreal Icon.png Pyreal


Books, Paper



Cooking Items

Lore & Dialog


Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Welcome to the Ravenous Mattekar! Sit, sit and I'll get you something hot. What'll you have?"

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Hello small friend. This is my place. What do you think? It's a touch of home out here in the Dires."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Common over here! You look like you could use some food and good rest. Well your in luck, we've got plenty of both and no waiting."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Candeth Keep is no Linvak Tukal, but it's beautiful in a wide open kind of way."

Buying From

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Enjoy your purchase."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Oh, Ha Ha, I didn't shortchange you. Think you're so bloody clever. I've heard them all pal."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Judge me by my size, do you? After you finish with that why don't we test your strength? I'll arm wrestle you for your lunch."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "I'm a bit short tempered when it comes to my height if you know what I mean. Look I don't make twig-man jokes about you humans."

Selling To

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "I just can't resist a good buy."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Ha, you can't fool me human. I buy this at half that price from Dojiro. Here take this, it's more than it's worth, but I like your salesmanship."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "This looks good. I'll take the whole lot."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "I don't just buy any slop and drink for my place. You bring me more like this and I'll pay you the same."


Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "If you need to rest there are some cheap and clean beds for rent upstairs."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Did you enjoy yourself? If you have any suggestions just carve 'em into the tables and I'll see what I can do."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Come on back when you need a break from the daily smash and kill."

Odvik the Inn Keeper tells you, "Thank you for coming to the Ravenous Mattekar! We also host events in case you get tired of cleaning up your Allegiance or Meeting Halls."