Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny
Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci
Non-Player Killer
Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci Live.jpg
Race Male Viamontian
Title Archmage
Location 87.4N 70.5W in Silyun
Level 7
Strength 45
Endurance 50
Coordination 55
Quickness 60
Focus 40
Self 35
Health 135
Stamina 140
Mana 155


  • Route: See Silyun
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 80%, sells at 170%.
  • no gold, pyreal or platinum scarabs, no peas


Pyreal Icon.png Pyreal




Mana Stones

Magic Items

Alchemical Items

Spell Components

Trade Notes


Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci's opening buying is the the only one that differs between Viamontians and non-Viamontians.


Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci tells you, "I am very busy. Can this not wait? No? So be it then! Please hurry."

Buying From (Viamontians)

Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci tells you, "A wise choice for one so young."

Buying From (non-Viamontians)

Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci tells you, "These are not toys to be played with. Are you certain of your choice? I ask only because you have the look of a dullard."

Selling To

Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci tells you, "I can see why you would want to sell this. Got this off a dead body you say? That would explain the blood stains."


Archmage Pazzescorios di Frodenci tells you, "Now perhaps I can finish my book"