Stone Tool Quest

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Stone Tool Quest
Required Level: Any
Type: Solo
Starts At: Artifex Vault at 26.5N, 45.8W
Route: Samsur to Dovetail Valley Villas portal at 0.8S, 18.9E to Artifex Vault (duplicate portal) at 24.5N, 8.1E
Repeat: 1 Hour


Quest to retrieve the Stone Tool from the Artifex Vault. The tool is used to remove Atlan Stones from Atlan Weapons and Shadow Armor.

Walkthrough & Notes

  1. From the drop, run down to the bottom of the slope to some Tumeroks and paths down.
  2. Take either of the paths and then take the corridor west.
  3. Follow the corridor around and then take the ramp down. Ignore the lever activated doors to your left instead run west through the hall of crystals.
  4. At the end is a room with another level activated door and a lever which opens the doors doors back to the east.
  5. Pull the level and run back through the hall and pull the lever that is now accessible - run back to the previous doors.
  6. Continue on, ignore the first crossway instead going to the section ahead with the barrels. Notice the lever activated door a little to the west.
  7. From the barrels take a right going east.
  8. Take the first right into another room with blue crystals. Run to the doors at the end of the room and pull the lever.
    • Optional: Alternatively, if you have the lockpick skill, go east at the first crossway and unlock the door (resistance: 402) to access the next lever.
  9. Now run back to where the barrels are and go through the now open doors into another room of crystals.
  10. Run to end and jump down into the pit. Follow the corridor along to an large open chamber with huge barrel like platforms.
  11. Jump across the barrels to the east, taking extra care on the last platform (If you fall into the pit below a surface portal is the only exit).
  12. Go east and you will come to a long mist filled pit with platforms on all sides. If you don't have the health or skill for the fall, carefully jump to each platform until you reach the bottom.
  13. At the bottom use the button on the west wall to open the metal doors to the final hallway.
  14. This next section has many side rooms each filled with blue crystals and Tumerok Troopers. Run to the end ignoring the side rooms.
  15. At the end of the hallway go south through two sets of metal doors until you come to a lever room. The pressure points on the floor here open doors releasing more Tumeroks from above.
  16. Pull the lever in the northeast corner and run back to the hallway taking the middle south corridor - pull the final lever.
  17. Run back to the lever room and through the doors with the portal. Just infront of the portal lies the Stone Tool and two texts: Textbook (Atlan's Treatise) and Textbook (A Journal).

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Artifex Vault 26.5N, 45.8W or 24.5N, 8.1E -- 0137





Handing in Textbooks to Bretself the Translator

You give Bretself the Translator Textbook.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "Do you realize what you have here? This appears to be nothing less than an Empyrean weapons manual! What a fabulous discovery! At long last, we have a glimpse into the lost arts of their great society."

Bretself the Translator tells you, "You certainly deserve a copy a this for yourself."

Bretself the Translator gives you Atlan's Treatise.

You give Bretself the Translator Textbook.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "What beautiful craftsmanship... the blossoms in the paper are still fragrant. Empyrean magic was as subtle as it was powerful. This would seem to be a journal of some sort. A moment, I shall transcribe it into Roulean."

Bretself the Translator gives you A Journal.

Update History

Shadows of the Past

  • Quest introduced.

Heart of Woe

The Risen Princess

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 1 hour.