Christmas 2021 Content

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Custom Content
This page is for custom content on Levistras.


For Christmas of 2021, Lytelthorpe has gone all out. The whole town has been decorated, and gum drops wander around the keep.

Speak to Santa Sclavus to receive a Present. This seems to require the character has at least 10 hours of in game time.

Head to the top of Lytelthorpe Keep and receive another present from A box of Presents.

Use your presents to obtain a random gift!

Frozen Presents

Town criers speak of hidden presents about. At least one has possibly been located: a Frozen Present.

The Frozen Present is an item/object on the ground. It cannot be picked up or used. It cannot be given items. It cannot be used as a target for items.

Town Criers

Town Criers have got all dressed up, with new dialog too!


Baby Levistras Energy Cage Icon.png Baby Levistras Energy CagePack Badlands Siraluun Icon.png Pack Badlands SiraluunPack Crystal Moiety Icon.png Pack Crystal MoietyPack Engorged Eater Icon.png Pack Engorged EaterPack Famished Eater Icon.png Pack Famished EaterPack Kithless Siraluun Icon.png Pack Kithless SiraluunPack Opor Niffis Icon.png Pack Opor NiffisPack Burun Ruuk Shaman Icon.png Pack Burun Ruuk ShamanPack Untamed Siraluun Icon.png Pack Untamed Siraluun


Unknown Icon.png Fae



Tour of Lytelthorpe - ABGFenix Gaming


Speaking with Santa Sclavus (not meeting requirements)

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Tisss the season to be generous."

Santa Sclavus tells you, "hmm you seem a bit young for this gift, you sure you don't have an older brother or sister?"
Speaking with Santa Sclavus

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Tisss the season to be generous."

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Thanksss for coming to get thiss, very generous of you."

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Once I give it, you cannot give it back."

Santa Sclavus gives you Present.
Speaking with Santa Sclavus again

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Tisss the season to be generous."

Santa Sclavus tells you, "Hah , that ones not enough of a handful need more? well I need to make sure I have some for everyone!"
Using A box of Presents

A box of Presents gives you Present.
Using A box of Presents again

You do not see any others with your name.
Town Crier Dialog

Town Crier tells you, "Green and Red , I don't think those go well on me."

Town Crier tells you, "I'd choose different colors personally, these are not quite right."

Town Crier tells you, "I feel like ice cold steel from my hands down, my top half is toasty though."

Town Crier tells you, "I hear there are hidden gifts about."

Town Crier tells you, "Next they'll have us signing carols."

Town Crier tells you, "Spare some change for the needy?"

Town Crier tells you, "The outfit change was not my idea."

You give Town Crier Pyreal.

Town Crier tells you, "Ho! Ho!Ho!, did that sound right? HO! HO! HO!, ahh yes better thanks!"

You give Town Crier Pyreal.

Town Crier tells you, "If a gift is frozen, is it still a gift?"

You give Town Crier Pyreal.

Town Crier tells you, "If only we had enough precipitation to have a white winter."

You give Town Crier Pyreal.

Town Crier tells you, "These are a bit more form fitting then what I normally wear."

You give Town Crier Pyreal.

Town Crier tells you, "Tis the season for giving!"