Turbine Games Q&A/Dungeons/Q-03

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Advocates' Dungeon

Asked: 2000.10.31
Name: Syrus Daishi of Harvestgain
Question Title: Advocates' Dungeon
Category: Dungeons
Question: I've asked a couple different advocates about this, but being advocates themselves even they weren't sure of the answer. Do advocates have special access to this dungeon? If not, what purpose does it serve? Sort of a gee whiz question but one I'd still like to hear about.

Thanks for this Q&A; page and keep up the good work! = ]

Answered: 2000.10.31
Name: devilmouse
Answer: In beta, becoming an advocate required the advocate-to-be to do a tiny little quest that ended in the Advocate Dungeon.

Right now, the dungeon goes unused and uninhabited. And no, the advocates don't have access to it.