Turbine Games Q&A/Backstory/Q-25

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Asheron using Isparian magic?

Asked: 2000.11.21
Name: Dariean of Darktide
Question Title: Asheron using Isparian magic?
Category: Backstory
Question: In the story posted on Zone with what is generally accepted to be Asheron destroying the Shadow Spire, why does he use the Isparian "Zojack QuaXXX"? I could have sworn that it was said that Empyrian had their own forms of magic. If thats the case, then why does he follow our component formulae? Granted, he was using his own "potion" to cast a light spell ("Au" being "Light"), but it stil is a Zojack, and still Isparian- unless im 100% off base in thinking we formatted our own magic, and we are infact using Empyrian craft...

Answered: 2000.11.21
Name: Stormwaltz
Answer: As explained previously, in the universe that Ispar and Auberean share, magic is a fundamental force of nature, and obeys the same rules from location to location. Spell grammar is part of the rules.