Levistras Rules Quest

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A once per character quest, acknowledging that you have read the new rules.

More info to come.


Entering the Town Network (or Samsur) for the first time (once per character)

+Admin Spigot tells you, "The rules for Levistras have been updated give them a read."

+Admin Spigot gives you Levistras Rules.
Speaking to Malred before Ali

Malred tells you, "I see you have the new rules book, maybe when you are all caught up I can have it."
Speaking to Ali

[Dialog box: Greetings traveler. I see you have the Levistras Rules book with you. Have you had a chance to read it yet? [Yes / No]
Selecting No / Timeout

Ali tells you, "When you get a chance to, read it, and then come back to see me. It's beneficial to be informed about our community's rules."
Selecting Yes

Ali tells you, "That's great! Thank you for taking the time to read our community's rules."

Ali tells you, "My friend over there hasn't seen the rules yet. If you don't need yours anymore she might want to read it."
Speaking to Ali again

Ali tells you, "My friend here would like to use your book to get caught up on the rules."
Speaking to Malred

Malred tells you, "You've read through the whole thing? Fantastic! Could you give me your book?"
Giving the Rules book to Malred

You allow Malred to examine your Levistras Rules.

You hand over all of your Levistras Ruleses.

Malred tells you, "Thank you for giving this to me. I'll get right to reading it. Oh, this isn't much but you can have this."

Malred gives you Stipend.

Malred tells you, "Be safe."
Speaking to Malred again

Malred tells you, "Thanks for letting me have the book, I've been reading it."
Speaking to Ali again

Ali tells you, "Thanks for letting my friend have your book."