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Introduced:  Familiar Foes Related Quests:  The Elder Sibling
Arbrim's Note
Arbrim's Note Icon.png
  • Value: 1
  • Burden: 10
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • 3 of 3 pages full.
  • A rolled piece of linen. The roll is tied with a ribbon bearing the wax seal of three interwoven triangles inside of a larger triangle.
Arbrim’s Note

Solclaim, Portal Year 26

The recent theodolite readings of Ulewinna’s pyreal compound remain disappointing.

The mana siphon before me confirms that the strength of the Black Spawn Den’s leyline is intact. And while that fact is reassuring on its face, it also serves as an upsetting reminder that our methods are likely too primitive to capture anything more than the weakest ebbs and flows of this great mana source.

In truth, I fear our current approach may be just as misguided as the child who believes he can capture the mighty swells of the Ironsea with nothing more than the angler’s net. Indeed, it is imperative that we begin to consider the possibility that our mana batteries will never be of sufficient strength to produce the portal for which we endeavor. But that does not mean, dearest Brothers, that all is lost.

Some eight years ago, as I am sure you will readily recall, Lord Asheron let slip to us a most terrible truth: that it was the entrapment of his people in portal space, by his own hand, that was responsible for the portals that delivered us to this prison.

What if we have read the signs wrong, Brothers?

What if what is required is not a tremendous mana source but instead a similar entrapment? And with Isparians in place of Empyreans?

Is the human body not a workshop to be used and shaped by great forces? Could the “three workshops located on three leylines” not be taken as a metaphor for what we must become?

What terribly, beautiful poetry that those who would bring the peoples of Aluvia, Gharu’n, and Sho home must promise to never set foot upon cherished soil. Should this letter reach you, dear Brothers, I hope you will see my absence as proof of what is required of us.

Have we not always said that the sacrifices would be great? Then why should our sacrifices not be the greatest of all? I have heard it whispered that those who voyage on the endless seas of portal space are bound to madness. If that should mean I will see Antius’ face or hear his voice once again, then perhaps the curse is less horrifying than I imagine it to be. And yet, what a sadness for my dearest mother – to never be allowed to find some measure of peace in the knowledge that her only two sons were taken from her by a Viamontian blade and the magic of a far away land.

-- Arbrim the Bold


Ma'whar al-Talmi

You give Akamine Jiro Arbrim's Note.

Akamine Jiro tells you, If what you have given me is truly a child of Arbim’s pen, then there is no doubt that he is one of the Brothers. And if you speak true that he could not be found in that dungeon, then we must believe that he has achieved the purpose of his sacrifice. Speak of this to no one - it is not for us to interfere with the Brothers’ plans.

Akamine Jiro tells you, I would urge you to return to the Black Spawn Den tomorrow and restart your search so that we may be certain of Arbrim’s fate. In the meantime, I will reflect on what you have brought me and write to our Eastham delegation to inform them of what you have learned of our foes.

Akamine Jiro tells you, As a thank you for your service, take this cloak that Arbrim had left behind. Arbrim was always so picky about the style of his cloaks...I suspect that he won’t be needing this one anytime soon. Keep your legs fresh, seeker. I believe that sacrifices may soon be requested from you at the other leyline sites.

Akamine Jiro gives you Arbrim's Cloak.

Found In

The "Dungeon" area of Black Spawn Den (Uber).

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