Banderleague Recruiter

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Introduced:  Bander Brothers Related Quests:  Banderleague
Banderleague Recruiter
Non-Player Killer
Banderleague Recruiter Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Exploration Society Agent
Location Training Academy
Level 9
Strength 90
Endurance 85
Coordination 50
Quickness 90
Focus 10
Self 60
Health 53
Stamina 95
Mana 70



Opening Dialog

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "Greetings, adventurer! I'm the recruiter for the Exploration Society of Dereth's Explorer Challenge."

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "The second league is here - the Banderleague!"

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "If you are interested in joining, just hand me a pyreal as your registration fee."

The Explorer Challenge is a limited time event in which players adhere to a custom ruleset. If you are not aware of what this event is, please ignore this NPC. Otherwise, give this NPC a pyreal to be flagged as a participant in the Banderleague.
Giving a Pyreal

You allow Banderleague Recruiter to examine your Pyreal.

You hand over 1 of your Pyreals.

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "Thank you! one moment please, I'm adding your name to the list."

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "You're signed up now. Good luck!"

Banderleague Recruiter tells you, "Oh, and you won't be needing that Pathwarden token..."

You hand over 1 of your Pathwarden Tokens.

Banderleague Recruiter gives you Facility Hub Portal Gem.

Banderleague Recruiter gives you League Chapterhouse Portal Gem.

Banderleague Recruiter gives you Oil of Rendering.

Banderleague Recruiter gives you Oil of Rendering.

Banderleague Recruiter gives you Academy Coat.