Whispering Blade Introduction

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Introduced:  A Change in Tactics Related Quests:  Whispering Blade Infiltration
Whispering Blade Introduction
Text Icon Parchment.png
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 5
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A note forged with the peculiar seal of the Whispering Blade.


The supplicant who brings you this note has been approved to enter the Whispering Blade as an Initiate. Please make the appropriate accomodations [sic].


Garmasi tells you, "Aha! You helped us in the delicate matter of the bull, did you? His Majesty has need of your services again. We seek to infiltrate an organization known as the Whispering Blade, which seems to be some gathering of assassins and spies cobbled together by the desperate followers of the Bloodless Queen."

Garmasi tells you, "Bring this note to a Gharu'ndim named Hashina, in the rebel town of Silyun... It is a forgery that should gain you entrance to their base of operations..."

Garmasi tells you, "I want you to enter their secret lair and, by whatever means necessary, obtain their commander's notes."

Garmasi gives you Whispering Blade Introduction.

  • Give to Hashina to continue the quest:

You give Hashina Whispering Blade Introduction.

Hashina tells you, "Interesting... Very well, allow me to direct you to the nearest Chapterhouse. It is not far from here, at 85.4 N, 70.4 W. Simply present yourself to Commander Jin Zo for further orders."

  • Typo: accomodations should be accommodations.