Translated Elemental Artifex Shard

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Introduced:  Dark Materials Related Quests:  Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger
Translated Elemental Artifex Shard
Text Icon Parchment.png
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • This is a translation of the message shard found on the Artifex of the Elements.
The Progenitor grants you license to perform modifications upon an entity known as the Harbinger. Such a being resonates with the power of the elements, and it is the our desire to be able to work our Will through such a powerful and alien shell. Such a vessel will provide us with incalculably useful data. Succeed in this task, and a portion of our immortality will be reserved for you.


You give Diyas al-Yat Message to the Elemental Artifex.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "Most fascinating. There is a resonance to this message shard that you do not see in those that come from most Virindi... A sympathetic resonance that is almost human..."

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "This shard came from Aerbax, did it not? Forgive me, I should not ask such questions. I remember what happened the last time I delved too deeply into the affairs of that one. Here is your translation."

Diyas al-Yat gives you Translated Elemental Artifex Shard.