ToDo List

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Introduced:  Introductions Related Quests:  Jester's Lost Marbles
ToDo List
Text Icon Parchment.png
  • Value:
  • Burden:
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A list of things to do.

- Finish sorting through the old armor. Most of it is in bad shape.
- Try to convince that hot headed golem to give me more metal.
- Forge another sword for Lord Cynreft. Sell failures to the living.
- Craft some more of the gems the outsiders like so much.
- Head to the surface tonight to sell some more of my items.
- Give the Jester a piece of my mind. Why did he betray us?
- Recount my coin. I must save for my own Smithy.


  • Found on table by Hurnmel the Smith deep inside the Mhoire Armory.
  • This item is Attuned and Bonded, as yet the purpose or who to hand the note to is unknown. No Graveyard related NPCs interact with it:

Jester doesn't know what to do with that.

Jailer doesn't know what to do with that.

Wall doesn't know what to do with that.

Apep-tek the Tolerant doesn't know what to do with that.

Laylana doesn't know what to do with that.

Lo Shoen doesn't know what to do with that.