Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer

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Introduced:  Heroes' Respite
Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer
Non-Player Killer
Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Bowyer
Location 60.1S, 87.9W in Ayan Baqur
Level 20
Strength 120
Endurance 150
Coordination 160
Quickness 140
Focus 90
Self 110
Health 100
Stamina 250
Mana 125


  • Route: See Ayan Baqur.
  • Sells at 190%, buys at ??%.




Trade Notes


Fletching Items

Lore & Dialog


Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer tells you, "I'm Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed. Welcome to the Old Campaigner's Bows. That's me, the old campaigner, heh heh."

Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer tells you, "In my day, we didn't bother with all these fancy arrows and quarrels! Now what are you interested in?"

Buying From

Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer tells you, "Smart choice, youngster."

Selling To

Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer tells you, "I suppose I could take that off your hands."


Thiuda the Sharp-Eyed Bowyer tells you, "Good hunting. Remember, one shot, one kill, youngster."