The Lost City of Frore

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Introduced:  Dark Thaw Related Quests:  Frore
The Lost City of Frore
The Lost City of Frore Icon.png
  • Value: 3
  • Burden: 25
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
The Lost City of Frore was discovered by the party of Sir Joffre Tremblant, late of Arwic. It became their tomb; the undead Gelidites and the frigid temperatures within slew them to a man. For a time, Sir Tremblant was ensorcelled and changed to a shambling, muttering corpse. Bold adventurers followed in his footsteps, and freed his captive soul. If you seek to as well, search the heights east of the Bandit Castle for a Standing Stone monolith. Be warned; you must be a powerful adventurer to enter the City!
-- The Lost City of Frore
