Specimen 1347 Report 2

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Introduced:  Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Related Quests:  Commander Jared Kurth Raids
Specimen 1347 Report #2
Text Icon Paper.png
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • 2 of 2 pages full.
  • A note found upon the corpse of Commander Kurth during one of his raids.

Field testing has indicated that yes, a specimen equipped with Souldrinker will indeed be able to direct the vitae of a dying target directly into the specimen, resulting in a corresponding increase in natural ability within the specimen as well as an increase in the capabilities of the sword. It may conceivably be possible to raise a weapon to the stature of Heartbreaker using this technique in lieu of Shade Iron. Further testing will be required to identify the truth of this assertion.

One side effect of Souldrinker is that the wielder seems to regress in actual skill and intelligence. Although the capabilities of the wielder are heightened, it is due to their drastic increase in strength, coordination, and quickness overcoming their loss of skill at the arts of war. This weapon should only be used...with expendable resources.
