Sir Stavitor

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Introduced:  Gears of Change Related Quests:  Gold Gear Trooper Kill Task
Sir Stavitor
Non-Player Killer
Sir Stavitor Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Royal Knight
Location 33.4S 6.3E
Level 95
Strength 290
Endurance 260
Coordination 290
Quickness 290
Focus 200
Self 200
Health 326
Stamina 456
Mana 396


  • Route: Take Ijaniya at 22.4S, 0.2E south of Yaraq, then run to 33.4S 6.3E.

Lore & Dialog

Sir Stavitor tells you, "I am Sir Stavitor of Queen Elysa's forces. I've been tasked to track information on the Gold Gearknight units."
Sir Stavitor tells you, "Return to me with anything you've learned after destroying 25 Gold Gear Troopers."