Shadow Child (Level 240)

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Introduced:  Hidden In Shadows
Shadow Child
Shadow Child (Level 240) Live.jpg
Class Shadow
Level 240
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Strength 350
Endurance 350
Coordination 380
Quickness 320
Focus 480
Self 480
Health 1,675
Stamina 1,600
Mana 1,880
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense



    On Death:
    You hear a childish voice say, "They wait... no longer..."
    You hear a childish voice say, "One betrayal leaves two remaining. Two who are stronger than ever before."
    You hear a childish voice call upon the name of Ler Rhan, but the voice is faint and trails away into silence.