Seasoned Explorer Vambraces

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Introduced:  The Risen Princess Related Quests:  Exploration Society Letters
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces


Original Palette for Seasoned Explorer Vambraces
Description ACID Name Sample DCS Sample VT
Main 4046 Verdalimgreen 17390E 0B1D06
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
Dyed Seasoned Explorer Vambraces
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Lapyan Icon.png
(Light Blue)
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Colban Icon.png
(Dark Blue)
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Verdalim Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Minalim Icon.png
(Mint Green)
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Relanim Icon.png
Explorer Vambraces Lapyan Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Colban Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Verdalim Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Minalim Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Relanim Live.jpg
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Thananim Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Hennacin Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Argenory Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Berimphur Icon.png
Seasoned Explorer Vambraces Fail Icon.png
Explorer Vambraces Thananim Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Hennacin Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Argenory Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Berimphur Live.jpg Explorer Vambraces Fail Live.jpg

Known Palettes for Dyed Seasoned Explorer Vambraces
ACID Name Sample DCS Main VT
4216 LapyanBlue 0A92DF 1068AE
4384 ColbanBlue 004D7D 002841
4046 Verdalimgreen 17390E 0B1D06
4217 MinalimGreen 24CA83 198E5F
4386 RenalimPurple 5B086D 33043D
4385 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A 171716
4044 HennacinRed 430406 230202
4218 ArgenoryWhite 969999 696F6B
4045 BerimphurGold 5B4508 302504
4051 NukedOrange FB6C24 E15503
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.