Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush

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Introduced:  From the Darkness Born Related Quests:  Glenden Wood Crafters
Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush
Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush Icon.png
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 10
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • A brush made from the tooth of a rust gromnie.


You give Copper Vanurp Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush.
Copper Vanurp tells you, "I would be lying if I told you this was a good attempt. Never the less, keep on trying. I am sure you will improve."
You've earned 5,000 experience in your Cooking skill.


Carving Knife
1 Rust Gromnie Tooth
1 Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush
  • Steps:
  1. Use Carving Knife on Rust Gromnie Tooth to create Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush.
    • Carving Knife Icon.png + Rust Gromnie Tooth Icon.png = Rust Gromnie Tooth Brush Icon.png