Ringoshu the Apple Seller

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Trothyr's Rest Quest
Ringoshu the Apple Seller
Non-Player Killer
Ringoshu the Apple Seller Live.jpg
Race Male Sho
Title Farmer
Location 13.6N 50.7E near Rithwic
Level 10
Strength 90
Endurance 90
Coordination 80
Quickness 85
Focus 40
Self 45
Health 135
Stamina 190
Mana 95


  • Route: From Rithwic go to the Leafdawning Settlement settlement portal at 8.7N, 60.9E then run west along the road to the NPC at 13.6N, 50.7E.
  • Sells at 155%, buys at 90%.
  • The key is needed to unlock the door inside the nearby Trothyr's Rest dungeon to access the shrine to turn white (non-pk).



Books, Paper



Keys, Tools

Lore & Dialog


Ringoshu the Apple Seller tells you, "Welcome! What's your pleasure today?"

Buying From

Ringoshu the Apple Seller tells you, "An excellent purchase."

Selling To

Ringoshu the Apple Seller tells you, "You drive a hard bargain, my friend."


Ringoshu the Apple Seller tells you, "Thank you for your business. Please return soon."