Regal Sceptre

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Introduced:  On Bended Knee Related Quests:  Clutch of Kings, Regal Weapons
Regal Sceptre
Regal Sceptre Icon.png
Regal Sceptre


  1. Use Soul Stone on Bloodied Burun Hide to create Burun Soaked Soul Stone.
    • Soul Stone Icon.png + Bloodied Burun Hide Icon.png = Burun Soaked Soul Stone Icon.png

The Soul Stone absorbs the blood taking on a violet sheen.

  1. Use Burun Soaked Soul Stone on Noble Sceptre to create Burun Slaying Sceptre.
    • Burun Soaked Soul Stone Icon.png + Noble Sceptre Icon.png = Burun Slaying Sceptre Icon.png

The Soul Stone slides into the center of the symbol of unity and charges the object with energy.

  1. Use Gem of Mana Management on Burun Slaying Sceptre to create Regal Sceptre.
    • Gem of Mana Management Icon.png + Burun Slaying Sceptre Icon.png = Regal Sceptre Icon.png

You fit the gem into the scepter and the scepter is enhanced. Only you can wield this weapon now.