Parts List for Arcane Pedestal

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Introduced:  Castling Related Quests:  Arcane Pedestal Quest
Parts List for Arcane Pedestal
Text Icon Parchment.png
  • Value: 5
  • Burden: 25
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A hastily written List of parts for an Arcane Pedestal
To construct the Arcane Pedestal it appears these other parts are required:

A Bronze Gear from a bronze Reedshark Statue
A Bronze Coil from a bronze Sclavus Statue
A Bronze Spring from a bronze Skeleton Statue


You give Slithe Tradittor Gelidite Dais.

Slithe Tradittor tells you, "Yes, this is the first component. I have been studying the imaging crystal and now know what the other components are."

Slithe Tradittor tells you, "They are the same parts which are within the living bronze statues. Here is a list of the components. Bring them to me and I will construct this device. Remember, tell no one of this."

Slithe Tradittor gives you Parts List for Arcane Pedestal.