Open Journal (MacNiall's Freehold)

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Introduced:  Waking from the Abyss Related Quests:  Noir Assassination Investigation
Open Journal
Text Icon Book.png
  • Value: ???
  • Burden: Unknown


MacNiall's Freehold
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You think, "The book told a strange tale. Seems that there was an operation waylaying adventurer's foolish enough to come into contact with that tree. Some kind of strange powder created by a man that lurked in the shadows coated the branches. The powder induced hallucination and caused paralysis. That explained the dancing... and the falling down."
You think, "Reading on, I found out that whoever was keeping this little ledger was responsible for delivery of those that fell at the tree. Seems like I was supposed to be next."
You think, "I had been kidnapped. Whoever had written this journal had thought better of delivering me to the brigands. They'd left me with my armor, weapons and trinkets...I'd need to find them and shake them down for information. Judging by the timbre of the book, that wouldn't be hard."
You think, "Outside, I heard the sounds of the jungle. I wasn't on the mainland of Dereth. No, more likely this was the Vesayen Islands. Somewhere outside, I figured on finding answers."