Moarself (NPC)

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Introduced:  Present Dilemma Related Quests:  Sclavus Santa's House Quest
Non-Player Killer
Moarself Live.jpg
Race Moarsman
Location 69.8S, 25.6E inside Sclavus Santa's House
Level 220
Strength 550
Endurance 440
Coordination 450
Quickness 440
Focus 440
Self 440
Health 2000
Stamina 3940
Mana 440


Lore & Dialog

Moarself tells you, "If you can solve the puzzle you can gain access to Santa's House."
Moarself tells you, "Be careful. If you make a 3 mistakes you will have to start over."
Moarself tells you, "You have 5 minutes. Good luck."

Moarself tells you, "Only one person may attempt the puzzle at a time."

The Moarself bows before you; thankful to be free from his prison.