Laedron the Geomancer

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Introduced:  Shattered Lines Related Quests:  Tainted Ley Line Nodes
Laedron the Geomancer
Non-Player Killer
Laedron the Geomancer Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Royal Land Surveyor
Location 59.9S 88.0W in Ayan Baqur
Level 150
Strength 120
Endurance 150
Coordination 140
Quickness 100
Focus 220
Self 220
Health 150
Stamina 260
Mana 275



Quest Items

A Field Guide to Tainted Nodes Icon.png A Field Guide to Tainted Nodes

Lore & Dialog

Laedron the Geomancer tells you, "Greetings! Are you here to help reclaim the land's ley lines from the corruption of T'thuun? At the behest of our noble Queen Elysa, the mage Asheron has raised six pyramids over the most tainted ley nodes in Dereth, the sites most under the grip of the wicked creature T'thuun. These pyramids must be powered! Certain creatures found in the vicinity of those nodes sometimes bear tiny crystals of concentrated, tainted mana."
Laedron the Geomancer tells you, "Bring these crystals to each of the pyramids! Once a pyramid has been sufficiently stoked by brave Derethians such as yourself, all that will be required to defeat T'thuun's power at that site is to destroy the guardian that T'thuun has stationed there... I have written a book that explains all this. I'll give you one now..."
Laedron the Geomancer gives you A Field Guide to Tainted Nodes.
Laedron the Geomancer tells you, "But be warned, though you may be capable of hunting the creatures near the pyramid sites, the minions that T'thuun has chained there are quite powerful and may be too strong for you to fight. You may want to bring powerful friends."

Laedron the Geomancer tells you, "I think I've already given you a book, haven't I? Those books aren't free. If you need another one, give me a C trade note and I'll give you another. Otherwise, perhaps it's time to head on out to the pyramid sites and start doing what you can to power up those pyramids."