Lady Dan'eel Trianna

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Introduced:  Noble Sacrifice Related Quests:  Researching the Lost Rituals
Lady Dan'eel Trianna
Non-Player Killer
Lady Dan'eel Trianna Live.jpg
Race Female Empyrean
Title Researcher
Location 26.2N, 47.1E near Cragstone
Level 275
Strength 200
Endurance 260
Coordination 200
Quickness 290
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 326
Stamina 456
Mana 486


  • Route: From the Town Network, take the north (Aluvian) wing to Cragstone.


Opening dialog

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "Greetings, I am known as Lady Dan'eel Trianna. I am a researcher in the newly reforming Lyceum at Knorr. I have been sent here by Lord Asheron to enlist help in the gathering of several components needed in a ritual of exceptional importance."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "A group of noble, but foolhardy individuals attempted to aid Prince Borelean in an exceptionally dangerous ritual to bring his lost wife, Hoshino Kei, back from the dead. To do this, they used the Book of Eibhil to 'resurrect' her. Each participant sacrificed a portion of their spirit in order to fuel the ritual."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "This unfortunately led to them raising Hoshino Kei as a spectre and an Avatar of the Book itself, while also corrupting all of the participants in the ritual."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "Five of the participants withered soon after the ritual's completion, also raising back up as spirits of terrible power. The remainder are also beginning to wither in the same fashion."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "As their sacrifices were willing, there is a chance to undo the damage that was done. To that end, Lord Asheron tasked us with researching the lost rituals of the Light Falatacot. We have located a ritual that may heal these individuals, or at least keep the corruption at bay until we can find a more permanent solution."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "The ritual itself is tied to a legend about four sisters. Each sister governed over an aspect of the world. Together, the four could cleanse any corruption and heal the very spirit. Each sister had something that was considered sacred to them, and when the four materials are brought together, they can be used in rituals for healing the spirit."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "As we are trying to reconstruct these rituals from only scraps of information, we cannot guarantee their success, but it is somewhere to start."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "To aid us in this, I am prepared to reward Adventurers of sufficient experience for their efforts in collecting 10 pieces of Alb'arean Ore. Alb'arean Ore was sacred to the third sister, who was considered the Lady of Twilight and Rest. We've been able to locate a supply of this ore in the area held by the Gearknights along the Inner Sea."

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "I have been authorized by the Lyceum to reward each adventurer who helps me only once per week. The ore can be unstable, and we're trying to take only enough to perform the necessary rituals at any given point."
Opening dialog (below level restriction)

Lady Dan'eel Trianna tells you, "While I am impressed that you are out here, I am not authorized to reward Adventurers below a certain level of skill. Lord Asheron does not wish to encourage the younger and less experienced residents of Dereth to risk their lives unduly."