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Introduced:  Bridging the Vast Divide Related Quests:  Guruk Marauder Kill Task
Non-Player Killer
Kurket Live.jpg
Race Burun
Title Ranger Ruuk
Location Kor-Gursha on Bur
Level 40
Strength 200
Endurance 260
Coordination 140
Quickness 320
Focus 100
Self 100
Health 280
Stamina 420
Mana 100


Lore & Dialog

Kurket tells you, "You need something to hunt? We have a problem with the Guruks invading our territories. From time to time we send hunting parties into the Catacombs to clear them out. If you want to prove you're a real hunter, track down and slay 40 of those despicable Guruk Marauders and I will reward you appropriately. They mostly forage in the Northern Catacombs."

Kurket tells you, "I'm impressed. I didn't think a human could hunt that well. You have helped insure Kor-Gursha's safety and for that you deserve our thanks and a reward."
You've earned 2,636,000 experience.
Kurket tells you, "You will be forever remembered as a "Ranger Ruuk"."

Kurket tells you, "You cleared out those Marauders pretty well. They won't be bothering us for awhile. Come back in a couple of weeks, I'll bet they'll need another lesson in respecting our territory then."