Icy Tome

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Introduced:  Verdict Related Quests:  Gaerlan's Citadel
Icy Tome
Icy Tome Icon.png
  • Value: 90
  • Burden: 160
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
[You cannot translate this text]
-- Untranslated Text


A ghostly hand extends and places a book into your hand.

Bookshelf gives you Decrepit Tome.

A book wreathed in flame thrusts itself into your hands.

Bookshelf gives you Fiery Tome.

A chilling hand grabs yours and places a book in your hand.

Bookshelf gives you Icy Tome.

A scent of brimstone accompanies the hand that appears to place a book in your hand.

Bookshelf gives you Ebuillant Tome.

A low hum is heard as a hand extends from the bookcase and places a book into your hand.

Bookshelf gives you Charged Tome.

You give Bretself the Translator Icy Tome.

Bretself the Translator tells you, "Disciples of Stasis...a very interesting read. I've made some notes where applicable."

Bretself the Translator gives you Disciples of Stasis.