Hoshar ibn Jalaq

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Introduced:  Shattering the Dark Related Quests:  Splitting Grael (High), Mukkir Aspect of Grael
Hoshar ibn Jalaq
Non-Player Killer
Hoshar ibn Jalaq Live.jpg
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Operative
Location 59.6S, 88.0W in Ayan Baqur
Level 150
Strength 210
Endurance 190
Coordination 240
Quickness 220
Focus 180
Self 120
Health 95
Stamina 190
Mana 120


Lore & Dialog

Hoshar ibn Jalaq tells you, "You may be able to help me... I would ask you to seek out a powerful Mukkir known only as the Progenitor. Its ichor has some unique properties, and may be of great use to us in our efforts to combat the demon known as Grael. If you are strong enough to fight mighty Mukkir, venture to 86.4 N, 57.4 E on the Dark Isle, and bring me the ichor of the Progenitor."

Hoshar ibn Jalaq tells you, "Sorry, you are not strong enough to help me. Perhaps you should speak with my counterpart from the Whispering Blade, Soju Bo-Ki."