Hawker for Ketnan

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Introduced:  The Iron Coast
Hawker for Ketnan
Non-Player Killer
Hawker for Ketnan Live.jpg
Race Male Aluvian
Title Tusker Emporium Hawker
Location 4.3N, 95.8E, just outside the Tusker Emporium
Level 5
Strength 50
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 75
Focus 50
Self 65
Health 95
Stamina 190
Mana 125



Hawker for Ketnan tells you, "Hey, right this way for the Tusker Emporium of Deadly Doom! Thrills. Chills. Spills! Bask in the warmth of our volcanic tunnels. Marvel at the ancient, trap-filled Empyrean architecture. Run shrieking like a little girl from tuskers galore."

Hawker for Ketnan tells you, "And please be sure to visit our fully stocked refreshment stand and souvenir gift shop."

You give Hawker for Ketnan Pyreal.

Hawker for Ketnan tells you, "Thank you for the donation, go right in!"