Elysa Strathelar (Live 2008 12 12)

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Introduced:  Sins of the Fathers Related Quests:  2008/12 - Summoning Ritual of T'thuun
Elysa Strathelar
Non-Player Killer
Elysa Strathelar (Live 2008 12 12) Live.jpg
Race Female Aluvian
Title Archer
Location Eastham, near the Patriarch's Valley Portal at 17.6N 63.5E
Level 275
Strength 245
Endurance 320
Coordination 410
Quickness 360
Focus 235
Self 230
Health 320
Stamina 630
Mana 270


Lore & Dialog

Enraged by the desecration of their totems, the Patriarchs begin their Summoning Ritual to release Tthuun.
Queen Elysa calls all willing to fight the Patriarchs to meet at the Eastham Meeting Hall.

Elysa Strathelar tells you, "Brave Isparian! Your courage in confronting the menace of T'thuun is most heartening. Please, proceed through the Patriarch Valley portal and speak with Asheron's emissaries, to learn what must be done to stop the demon lord's ascendance. Your Queen and the realm are in your debt."