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Introduced:  Forces of Nature Related Quests:  Honeyed Meads
Non-Player Killer
Dridge Live.jpg
Race A'nekshay
Title Mead Brewer
Location 42.3S, 43.3E
Level 200
Strength 255
Endurance 220
Coordination 240
Quickness 240
Focus 90
Self 90
Health 235
Stamina 330
Mana 145



You allow Dridge to examine your Infused Amber Shard.

Dridge tells you, "That is a generous offer. Since I am only a cook I am afraid I have little to offer you."

Dridge tells you, "You are interested in Cooking? I have devised a way to brew powerful meads from the Nightbloom in the area. If you have harvested the Nightbloom then you are already quite skilled at cooking."

Dridge tells you, "The process requires a Brew Kettle and water, honey infused with the magical amber of our tree, and Nightbloom infused with the magical energies of the area."

Dridge tells you, "I have a process to create the amber infused honey. Unfortunately with the attack on the roots of the Deru I cannot give out our supplies. I will have to trade Infused Amber for the honey you will need as an ingredient."

Dridge tells you, "Give me one Infused Amber and I will give you five jars of honey and the recipe to make the meads."