Ayaname Chiyoko

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Introduced:  Celebration Related Quests:  Kidnapped Handmaiden

Related topics: Hoshino Kei

Ayaname Chiyoko
Non-Player Killer
Ayaname Chiyoko Live.jpg
Race Female Sho
Title Hoshino Kei's Handmaiden
Location High above the Graveyard, 64.3S, 45.5W
Level 162
Strength 190
Endurance 230
Coordination 200
Quickness 210
Focus 290
Self 290
Health 265
Stamina 380
Mana 486


Lore & Dialog

You give Ayaname Chiyoko Vile Potion. With a shudder, Ayaname Chiyoko begins to move.
Ayaname Chiyoko tells you, "Thank you. Without your help, I was likely doomed to a terrible fate."
Ayaname Chiyoko tells you, "How did you find me?"
You explain to Ayaname Chiyoko how you learned of her plight and gained the tools to find her.
Ayaname Chiyoko tells you, "Thank the Light! I feared that they would sacrifice me in some ritual!"
Ayaname Chiyoko tells you, "I must return to the castle at once, and let them know what has happened."
Ayaname Chiyoko touches your hand, and the tingle of a small enchantment passes over you.
Ayaname Chiyoko tells you, "Return to the Guard that sent you and let him know what has transpired. That small enchantment will stand as proof. Thanks again!"