Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman

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Introduced:  Dark Majesty
Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman
Non-Player Killer
Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman Live.jpg
Race Tumerok
Location Timaru 44.2N 78.1W , inside gate
Level 11
Strength 95
Endurance 100
Coordination 100
Quickness 90
Focus 45
Self 40
Health 145
Stamina 210
Mana 135


  • Route: See Timaru
  • See Archmage for similar shopkeepers.
  • Buys at 80%, sells at 170%.
  • all components


Pyreal Icon.png Pyreal





Mana Stones

Magic Items

Alchemical Items

Spell Components

Trade Notes



Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "When the Virindi first came to us, we sounded for the anima of their kind...and then we were filled with terror, for we found that they had none."

Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "The Olthoi must never be allowed to invade our territories! May Buadren guide the hands of our drummers, so they never falter."

Opening (returning)

Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "Back so soon? Forgot something, did you?"

Buying From

Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "I hope this will serve you good stead."

Selling To

Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "Thank you. May trade between our kind always be this amicable."


Aun Dreganaua the Elder Shaman tells you, "The Hea will never be permitted back in Timaru so long as they persist in their dealings with atua ngamaru!"